March 26, 2010

The Church's dilemma: too many abusers

We know that molesters harass
the kids in their parish, alas
We can't punish any,
Cried the Church, they're too many
If we defrock them, who'll conduct mass?

The New York Times 26/3/2010: Pope May Be at Crossroads on Abuse, Forced to Reconcile Policy and Words. Even as Pope Benedict XVI, faced with a sexual abuse scandal spreading across Europe, has called on victims to come forward and urged clerics to cooperate with civil justice, those strong words are running up against the complexities of his past, writes Rachel Donadio.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    the holymen of our pious land
    are always in great demand
    the prayers they chant
    torturing the supplicant
    are mistaken for the godly and grand

    stop cold drink and that too adulterated one.
    forwards this link to others.
    dont get guided by few multi nationalo monsters.
