February 27, 2010

The goddess advises Husain - don't forget to paint the clothes

The goddess asked Husain, "My dear,
You're moving to Qatar, I hear?"
The painter said, "Ma'am,
You've heard right --I am.
I could not refuse their Emir."

The goddess said, "That's fine, but dude,
We know you love painting us nude.
But if you are keen,
On painting their queen,
Pray keep the clothes on - don't be rude!"

27/2/2010: According to news sources, noted Indian painter M.F. Husain, has decided to surrender his Indian passport after being offered Qatari nationality by the royal family.


  1. great blog! and super post! keep going! :)

  2. thanks Satya, glad you enjoyed the post :-)

  3. Interesting thought! Does God speak to Husain?

  4. Anonymous1:43 PM

    he sits desolate in warm spain
    this strange creature mf hussain
    all qatari glories
    vanished with the houris
    will he paint nude royals again?

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  7. The painter revels in hugging the taboo,
    Forever he says to good sense a jolly "boo"!
    Even as the rest mumble "He is so bloody mad!",
    Our 'elite' brethren grumble "How so very sad!
    The famous man has left wailing 'woohoohoo'!".
