June 12, 2009

If the wig makes you pretty, wear it

The judge said, "Sir, I am appalled.
Your dastardly act was uncalled
For. Now you may not dig
Your law-maker's wig,
But you'd no right to expose his bald!"

Reuters 9th June, 2009: A man who tore the wig off a telegenic Taiwan legislator last year was sentenced to five months in jail for depriving the MP of his freedom to look good. Get the story here

Inkspot's been just been a wee bit busy and hence this lull in posting. But we're back now.


  1. Hi Aparna,
    I enjoy your limericks, keep up the good work!

  2. Welcome to Newsmericks, Aneeta, and thanks for the kind words. Do keep coming back for more :-)

