Limerick Savant is hosting a Carnival of Moms on his blog on the occasion of Mother's Day (May 14, 2006). It is meant to be a tribute to all mothers, including his 87 year old mom who recently fell and broke her neck and is now at home recovering.
To make this event a success, this is what you need to do (and I quote from the Savant himself).
What I propose is a sort of Carnival of Moms to be hosted at this blog. Many of you will probably be posting wishes of the day on your own blogs and I ask that you send me the URLs so that I may post a link and a comment. For those of you that are not yet blogging, (why not?) please send me your Mothers' Day thoughts and I will post them as well. Naturally, I am especially interested in limericks, poems or songs to, or about, mothers; but all submissions, serious or comic, will be accepted. The submissions may be sent directly to me at by Saturday, May 13.
So what are you waiting for? Put on your thinking caps and pen one for mum!
Thanks, Aparna. I look forward to your own limerick perspective on the subject.