June 18, 2006

Walking tall

Oh the strange things that love can incite
Some may make you cringe - others delight
Now here is a fellar
Who, since his fiancée was taller
Simply decided to go and increase his height!

DNA India 17/06/06: Love is making people scale new heights, literally. Dominic Pereira, a front office manager at a Vile Parle hotel, Mumbai, has undergone a limb lengthening procedure to increase his height. Reason: he is getting married to a girl taller than him. Read about it here


  1. Its not love thats making him do it... Its his ego... watch Pati, Patni aur woh for details...

  2. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Well I am just glad that the girl for once is not getting herself modified.

  3. @sakshi: Yeah, like she could go back in time and reduce her height... :)

  4. Ah...but I remember a tale from the many my grandmom used to tell me when I was a kid...when Balaram (Lord Krishna's brother) fell in love with a tall woman, he simply hooked the plough on her shoulders and pulled till she was his height...lol...
