About Me

In Kolkata, lives a Ms. Ray, 
Who loves spending time in wordplay.
And the limerick rhyme,
Is her passion, big time -
The verse, be it clean or risqué 😃

Or you could even say...

In Kolkata lives a Ms. Ray,
Whose idea of fun is wordplay.
Her passion is to rhyme
(Which she does all the time)
But does she pen limericks? No way!

Then who runs Newsmericks? In case you are wondering, let me remind you that Newsmericks is run by my alter-ego - the fearless reporter Chief Inkspot.

"We must create," Newsmericks thought,
"A braveheart reporter to jot
The news every morn."
So that's how was born
The fearless news hunter - Inkspot!

A keen observer of life and its idiosyncrasies, Chief Inkspot delights in encapsulating news and stories into limericks, which are published at Newsmericks.

Do join Chief Inkspot at Newsmericks to get news bytes with a slightly different flavour :-) 

To know more about me, visit me at Myriad Spaces