August 27, 2009

On why the BJP is not Ku Klux Klan

A clearly rattled BJP worker tells Inkspot why Mr. Jaswant Singh's Ku Klux Klan analogy was absolutely unacceptable.

"He can finger our RSS souls,
And can blame us for having no goals.
But all this Klan talking,
Is simply too shocking--
For we never wear white sheets with holes!"

TOI 27/08/09: Jaswant Singh's reference to the BJP, of which he was member for 30-odd years, as a KKK-type outfit came in an interview to a news agency. Apparently in reaction to a question on why he was sacked, the former minister said, "Please don't ask me. I am outside the magic circle of advisers or thinkers. Because I am not from the RSS, is that why? So are we a political party? Is the BJP becoming some kind of an Indian version of Ku Klux Klan?" Get the details here


  1. Hi Aparna,
    Here's something instant for you:

    When god is angry he sends typhoon,
    When devil's blest he sends buffoons,
    Even poets run out of similes
    Buffoons manage with smiles,
    So, their time's up, why do they croon?


  2. Versatility
    is quite your forte
    And as for the Klan
    Let them plan
    a tete-a-tete with Jaswantji!

  3. Anonymous8:46 AM

    when advani stuck to his plan
    everyone said he's our man
    but now he is old
    neither beautiful nor bold
    only a has-been and also-ran!
