July 14, 2008

Another Blogiversary at Newsmericks!

Well of late, we've been slack, I'll agree,
First the house, then the holidaying spree.
But nothing this day,
Could keep me away,
For today, my Newsmericks turns three!

Yes, we turn 3 today! A toast to all the readers - by asking for more, you have been an inspiration, truly! Cheers!

...And am back from my holidays, so regular posts to resume :D


  1. It's great to have you back, Ms Ray
    Wishing Newsmericks a Happy Birthday
    I for one am quite addicted
    Can't rest till it's indited
    A limerick - a rhyme at play.

  2. wow, that's cool Sujatha, thanks for the wishes :)

  3. Anonymous12:26 AM

    Wishing you a very happy three.
    bring in more mericks when you are free
    Love to read what you have up
    Makes me smile and perks the day up

    Okok I am trying.. (Smiles)

  4. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Congrats !!
