May 19, 2006

The missionary position

The missions will do all they can
To proselytize each Hindu man.
They have the full right
To show heathens the ‘light’
Don't ban them, or you'll mess up their plan!

ExpressIndia 19/05/06: Pope Benedict condemned Hindu nationalist attempts to ban religious conversions in India in a speech on Thursday reflecting growing tension among major faiths about the role and nature of missionary work. Read about it here


  1. with all due respect, who gave d Pope d authority to comment on our democracy??
    India is all for religious freedom n if a citizen decides on his own to convert, no one can stop him.
    but does d pope support d cheap tactics used to convert innocent villagers who cant evn spell Jesus?!
    d Vatican has gotten caught up in a silly numbers game wherein all tht matters is how many thev got on 'their side'
    After WW2, a certain church in d US converted all victims of d holocaust to Christianity posthumously! I mean cammon!
    In Tamil Nadu, therev been cases where missionaries hv given sugar pills as medicines to innocent rural folk telling them this is d medicine 'ur God' gave. n after tht does not work, they r given true medicines tht 'Jesus has given'. their subsequent cure being proof of Christianity's superiority!!

  2. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Hinduism, Islam or Christianity -
    All preach tolerance and humanity.
    Then where is the need
    For lines defining caste n creed
    And this fight for superiority?

    (I may not live to see a religion-free world, but no harm dreaming,
    no? Surprisingly, faceless moderates far outnumber the visible extremist/fanatic minority, but their very moderation
    is their bane - can only comment in blogs - yours truly included!)
