December 22, 2007

And then there was love

Mad Kane is offering some themes on which to write limericks and haikus on her humor blog. Today's theme is love at first sight or, simply love.

So, here is one on love.

My great-grand mom always opined;
"If love at first sight you should find,
You must be on guard,
And stare long and hard,
Before you can make up your mind.

For love at first sight may be blind,
And could turn out bitter like rind.
So to find a true love,
Keep eyes open, my dove,
And surely you'll land the right kind!"


  1. Now, that's a proper Limerick. I really enjoyed reading this and what a great Blog!

  2. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Oh yes, I agree. I just loved your blog of newsmericks...great going. Thanks for sharing, wise words from great-grand mom ;)

  3. I agree.That is 100% true.

  4. Now, that's one "love"ly limerick! And yeah, thanks for sharing that advice! :)

  5. Anonymous8:41 AM

    Wonderfully written!

  6. Your limericks are delightful, as always. So glad you participated in my latest limerick prompt!

  7. Thanks everyone! And as for you Maddie, I am a fan of yours! :)

  8. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Great Aparna ray
    You really made my day
    Making the words melt
    Saying what I really felt
    Which I could never say
    In such a simple way.
